Sunday 8 April 2012

Vinyl Wallpaper

Vinyl Wallpaper History

Asbestos Added to Vinyl Wallpaper to Improve Strength

Wallpaper was a very popular and cost effective way to decorate homes and offices for decades. The paper came in a large variety of colors, patterns and designs, which helped give it a very wide spread appeal. It was easy to install, so millions of Americans hung this decorative wall covering on their own.

Vinyl is a tough but flexible material that was often used to make long lasting wallpaper. To help make the finished product even stronger, a mineral was added to the vinyl that was both tough and pliable. This mineral was asbestos, and it was found to be so beneficial that manufacturers included it in thousands of products over the years. In addition to its strength, asbestos was also able to endure extremely high temperatures and was even a natural fire retardant. This made it even more appealing for goods such as wallpaper. The possibility that the wall covering could help protect a home made it that much more appealing. Vinyl Wallpaper was soon being installed all across the nation.

Risks of Handling Vinyl Wallpaper

Unfortunately, every person who helped put up this wallpaper or who spent time in locations where it was in use was put in danger. People were not aware there was a threat at the time, but by the 1970's research began to uncover that asbestos is a poisonous substance. It is made up of tiny fibers, which can easily break apart and float in the air. Their extremely small size makes them invisible to the human eye, so they may be inhaled unintentionally at any time. This was especially common while the paper was being glued to walls, but could also happen anytime the Vinyl Wallpaper ripped, was cut or was torn down. People exposed to asbestos fibers may be at risk for developing mesothelioma. This disease frequently has a poor prognosis making the life expectancy for mesothelioma victims short. Both men and women can be diagnosed with mesothelioma and both share similar survival rate statistics. The primary risk factor for mesothelioma is asbestos exposure but smoking can increase the chances of developing the disease if asbestos exposure occurred. Our mesothelioma resources section provides other information sources on this topic.

Vinyl Wallpaper Still in Some Older Buildings

There may still be buildings that are decorated with Vinyl Wallpaper that was made with asbestos. As long as the paper is in good condition, it poses no threat, but over time, the paper may start to deteriorate, and toxic fibers can be released. Only a certified professional should take down this paper and dispose of it. They are trained in how to handle this procedure properly and in a way that is safe and environmentally friendly. If you discover this or any other contaminated objects in your home or office, rely on their services to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

These days no products contain asbestos. Use of the mineral was officially banned by the Environmental Protection Agency years ago. Regrettably, many manufacturers continued to utilize it even after they learned of the risk. To make the situation even worse, they did not notify the employees who created these goods. Had that been done, they could have worn protective gear while on the job. Instead, they were given no opportunity to take precautions, and many were infected as a result.
Vinyl Wallpaper
Vinyl Wallpaper
Vinyl Wallpaper
Vinyl Wallpaper
Vinyl Wallpaper
Vinyl Wallpaper
Vinyl Wallpaper
Vinyl Wallpaper
Vinyl Wallpaper
Removal Of Vinyl Wallpaper And Multiple Layers On Drywall
How To Install Vinyl Wall Covering


  1. If you’re looking for a unique way to add artwork to your walls, you’ve come to the right place. With more unique designs to choose from, wallpaper for wall decor

  2. Nice blog!! there are different types of wallpapers we can use on our walls and make them beautiful, and Vinyl Wallpapers are one of them. Your blog gives beneficial information about Vinyl Wallpapers, Thanks for sharing this blog with us. If anyone needs more information about wallpapers please checkDéco & Co Wallpaper

  3. This is an informative blog, and give benificial information about Vinyl Wallpapers. There are many different types of wallapers in the market available,but vinyl wallpaper is more durable.For more information about wallpapers keep check out this Déco & Co Wallpaper
